New Years Day SWIM in the SEA!!!

Friday 1st January 2010

If only I'd slept in a bit longer

After the quite surprisingly comfortable night in the car, I found the only bit of me to be cold was.... the end of my nose! That would soon change though.

I climbed out of the sleeping bags, and opened a door, it was cold out.
When I was younger, I learned a valuable lesson from my freind and neighbour Steve. The lesson began with me organising a 'survival course' were we were to take, very minimal kit and go out in to the Peak District, build a shelter or go to a cave, and spend the night there. I took a survival bag to sleep in, (Steve took a sleeping bag, and mat). I took a box of matches, a tin of beans with no can opener. (Steve took sandwiches, biscuits and a personal stereo).
I had a sleepless and shivery night, listening to the tinnie music drifting from Steve's stereo, Steve had a warm cushioned night munching on his packed lunch.
It was the morning though that I learned my lesson, I was cold and with no enthusiasm for movement, getting colder.
So, I set a fire! Yes, I gathered the pine needles from as far as I could reach around me, piled them up and lit them with a match. Whoosh! They gave tremeandous heat, for a second or so, so I repeated the process, soon I ran out of needles, and I sat shivering and wet in the plastic bag.
Steve came into his own at this point, he jumped out of his cosy bag, ran around the near area gathering fallen branches, and he set a fire right in front of me, the heat was amazing, and so was Steve.
So, what did I learn? Lots of things really, for one, always be prepared, take food, clothing even entertainment! But most of all, I learned to get up and get moving, on the odd occasion I've found myself in Steve's situation I've run around and set the fire. I'd like to think that was the last time I'll reach that sort of low-down feeling, but if I ever end up there again...........

Anyway, back at the campsite, I busied myself with making coffee and boiled up some milk for porridge, phoned home to wish everyone 'Happy New Year'.
I soon realised though, that there was alot of movement toward the beach for the traditional New Years 'swim' in the sea.
I wished I was in bed, I wasn't and looking at my watch found I only had 5 mins to make a decision, swim or......... or what? Make an excuse, get back in the car and pretend to be asleep, or suffer eternal abuse and finger pointing from 'wimping' out.
I quickly chaged into shorts, legged it to the beach to find a large crowd of fancy-dressed people.

Some real good costumes, big effort to all.

Its a distant photo I know, but were all in I assure you, it was cold, I only dived through a wave but it was enough to knock the wind out of me!
Here's to next year, I'll be there, and I'll make an effort to get dressed up.

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