A day with the boy

Saturday 31st March 2012

Connors windy day on the lake.

Having got Connors kayak a couple of weeks ago, he's been desperate to get out in it.
We went to Pugneys lake near Wakefield, where I visited a couple of years ago to get some time in my then 'new' boat.
We did a launch from the pier. It'll be good practice for when we do a canal trip later in the year. Climbing down into your kayak is not easy.
Plenty of windsurfers enjoying the wind!

Connor was instantly at ease with his kayak. Heading into the wind we made good progress.

I paddling behind so I can keep an eye on him, but theres a pattern starting to form here already.....I look like been left behind when he gets upto speed!

His forwards paddling technique is spot on, he's not really used the full size feathered paddle before, but he's got it dialled. It was just blowing him about a bit in the gusty wind.

Needed the odd rest or two

Off again, the snack stop 'beach' in site ahead.

A well earned rest, Proud of him!
We were sat in the wind though, so no hanging around.

Now I will have my own official photographer with me aswell, so there should be more pictures of me in the future.

I got Connor back in, put him his deck on and he was gone.........

Wait for me! Now we had a problem. As he was paddling with the following wind, it was pushing the stern of his boat around, I knew that as so was mine. He was getting really annoyed and we had a moment of 'i don't want to do anymore'
The one thing parenting teaches you is how to coach a young person, we had a competion to see which of us could 'crack' the heads of the most bouys in a clockwise route back to the piers.

He was suddenly the best paddler in the world, and in this shot looks like he's full of confidence here!
A good day out, not the sea though is it?

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