Local paddling

9th June 2011

Some 'proper' coaching for Connor

After seemingly being constantly at work, and hardly seeing the family it was nice to get out to a local lake with Connor.
Traveling for only 15mins, we met up with some old kayaking freinds of mine that I havn't seen for at least 6 years Icthus canoe club .

Connor was first to the water, and was gagging to get in his boat.
Poolsbrook Country Park was once the site of the former Ireland Colliery, but has been transformed from dereliction into a tremendous country park and amenities area.
The Park was developed by Derbyshire County Council and Chesterfield Borough Council on the site of the former Ireland Colliery. This 180 acre park boasts 85 acres of woodland 42 acres of grassland and 23 acres of green water.

Getting Connor in his boat and onto the water wasn't so straight forward, there was a step of about 18" down to the water. We placed his kayak across an open and got him in from there, and then slid him in!
I seal launched from the bank the first time in years!

 After some splashing about John (one of the cclub coaches) took Connor and worked with him to develop his strokes.
He was really concentrating, and he was soon away! Doing the full width and the length of the lake, John had Connor doing forward paddling, getting him to extend his reach. He did forward stroke spinning, and then reverse, and the a combination of both! We just need to get him doing some capsize drills and practice the strokes he learned, and he's not far off 1 Star! Even I don't have that!

I swapped boats with john, I have only had a little go once before, but now I seemed to get the hang of it.
I quite enjoyed it, and what surprised me was how smooth it was, I seemed to just glide, and actually didn't realise how fast I was moving.
A nice easy and enjoyable evening, I can see us going again now.
Some of you will no doubt be asking wether I have got the new kayak yet - Well.......theres a question.
Not yet! I've been really busy, but still havn't managed to get the rest of the balance together, very frustrating!
I'll keep you posted.


Stuart sea kayk said...

Hey watch out he'll be over taking you!

Still no boat then, not that your missing out on anything, forecasts been absolutely rubbish for weeks.

stoney (Martyn) said...

I know, its not been very good at all has it?
Not entirely sure if I will have the boat before we get down South West Wales in August :(
Might have to have a re-think

Stuart sea kayk said...

I sold my motorbike recently and have half the cash for a new boat, waiting to here from the bank to see if they'll lend me the other half. Not entirely hopeful though :( If all goes to plan though your very welcome to borrow my Easky for a while. You know if you do come down without a boat the weather will be fantastic.

stoney (Martyn) said...

Sounds interesting! A new boat eh?
I know exactly what you mean regarding the weather, infact we were just talking about that nice weather no boat scenario last night!
Self employed and banks = Misery, at least thats what i'm begining to realise!