SNOW SNOW and more SNOW!!

Thursday 5th Febuary 2009

Well, what a week. after deciding to do some local jobs that were outstanding I thought I'd have an easy week.

How wrong! I couldnt get off the road with a vehicle until Wednesday morning, I built 3 different snowmen, and sledged with Connor 3 or 4 times at least an hour each! I was bruised and battered!

When Thursday finally came, there were calls for the bikers to decided between sledging, (very dangerous with such competetive people) or an urban bike ride, still dangerous, (the ground now polished by the wheel-spinning vehicles) or a 6 mile walk around the Grouse Inn

Our bike rides normally end here, lovely real fire and owned by Sally & Mark, who along with their equally lovely staff are most welcoming (even to muddy bikers!)

Most of us opted for the walk, (2 ran!??) you know who you are! On leaving the car park, we soon found the snow to be deep and untouched, upto 12" as we crossed the field, our legs were heavy to say the least as we climbed up unto White edge, upon top we could see for miles in the clear crisp night.

a wee dram of whiskey from a hip flask led us downhill to Curbar edge and the Froggat Edge and back to the Grouse for some refreshments.

No bikes, no accidents, no damp wet bums!

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